Arts-Integrated Lessons

Women of Consequence

Lesson 1 - Overview of the Colored Conventions

Lesson 2 - The Educators

Lesson 3 - The Activists

These lessons explore the Colored Conventions Movement that occurred in the 19th century and it contributors like Charlotte Forten and Mary Ann Shadd Cary, both of whom were introduced in our production Women of Consequence. With integrated arts activities and mini history exercises incorporated into all three, the 90-minute sessions will allow students to deeply understand the significance of the organization and the people involved, as well as learn how to create movement sequences to share their stories.


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Same Story, Different Countries

Lesson 1 - Painting Culture Through the Baobab Tree

Lesson 2 - The Power of Tableaus in Understanding Oppression

By showcasing both the historical narratives behind South Africa’s Apartheid and the United States’ slavery, these lessons bring students to explore the concepts intertwined with these examples of oppression and deepen their understanding of them by using the arts. From analyzing different elements in paintings to creating their own visuals with their bodies, the students will learn history in a different way that not only challenges their minds, but also their capacities to build an emotional connection with these events.

Dave the Potter

Lesson 1 - The Economics of Slavery

Lesson 2 - Abolition vs Slavery

Lessons created by Arts Bridge Scholar Jennifer L. Ferris